IEEPI(欧洲企业知识产权学院)成立于 2004 年,由法国工业部和法国工业产权局发起。该学院为企业(尤其是中小企业)、公共研究机构、大学和知识产权从业者提供知识产权战略和管理方面的培训。
IEEPI 师资具有高水平的专业知识,其培训涵盖了与保护和促进创新相关的所有主题。IEEPI 还参与了提高欧洲范围内知识产权意识的相关课题。
IEEPI 位于法国斯特拉斯堡,着力打造一个因知识产权培训而获得国际认可的知识产权卓越中心 (PCPI)。
Ministry of Industry
French Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
French Company of Patent Attorneys (CNCPI)
Licensing Executives Society France (L.E.S. France)
European Patent Institute, for European Patent Attorneys (epi)
Movement of the Enterprises of France, the French union of employers (MEDEF)
Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME)
Alsace Region
Bas-Rhin General Council
Strasbourg Eurometropole
University of Strasbourg
Gregory M. Carneiro, Honorary Inspector General at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry
Christian Brevard, Member of the French Academy of Technologies